"It's only when you embrace the past that you've truly moved forward."
Most often than not,people would tell us to let go and move on.We do everything to simply forget those memories that hurt us the most.We try so hard to cling to the good ones...those that make us laugh, triumphant, ecstatic, thrilled and what have you.We resort to hang out with nice people....those that empower us hoping that sooner or later we will be alright again.there is nothing wrong with all these.it's part of human survival.It's normal to learn how to cope with things.Let go.I often tell my friends this too...but wait.
Humanity also tells us that we are not only made up of good stuffs.In fact, life is not only about joys.We need to embrace the alternative.There is just something beyond letting go that we need to realize.It is not forgetting what we dont like to remember.It's actually embracing them.There is the healing power of the experiences that terribly wound us.Of course we wont see it like that when we're the victims.The things that hurt us the most are actually those same things that allow us to grow into wiser and bolder people.Real joy comes from the fact that we survive the storms of life bravely.It's not forgetting them.
Oftentimes we fail to see what lies behind those tears.When we fail in any endeavor we tend to shun ourselves from the world.Then we make a vow never to be hurt again.Baloney! life promises us good and bad stuffs.We need to embrace them both.Living life does not only mean to be happy all the time.Sometimes, it's more sublime to face the odds squarely.Real wisdom comes from tough experiences.
I learn the art of embracing life wholly.I learn to appreciate the beauty in all that it has given me.I learn not to fret when i fail.I learn to laugh at odds that come my way.I dont want to forget either.I want to take time to heal.
Life has taught me this.
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