She left me with so much to thank GOD for.The two months that we spent together has given me all the opportunities to appreciate more my worth not only as a teacher, a sister and a friend to her but above all...AS A MOTHER.It was only through her that I realize I could still give more.I have not even realized that I have done so much like a parent would for her to tell me that I am like her mother and that she's so grateful.It has been a blissful encounter.
Each day that we spent together was a chance to discover the kind of persons that we were.The conversations that we had were so deep that we didnt mind sitting for hours in the dining area.The number of times that I was pissed off because of things beyond our control and the number of times that we chose to be quite rather than say the wrong things to each other were avenues for growth for the two of us.We were so similar in so many ways that it was not difficult for the both of us to connect.We were both free spirited and that was something overwhelming.
We both liked the same food.We prefer to go organic than to have meat.Each meal that we prepared consisted of more than 3 different colors.We loved veggies and and fruits, to be exact.It was not hard for her to adjust in the house.She knew my routine and she did them too.She was always sensitive to my moods.I was likewise to her.I loved it when she would help me when i was cooking.She wouldnt mind peeling the carrots and the potatoes for me.She did everything she could to help me in the house.She knew how busy my life was and she made things easier.She might have done some faults but that was expected.I had my share too.
I miss her until now.I still can hear her laughters while she was listening to me teach my students online.I still can hear her read all the english books provided for her.I can still feel her fears while sharing with me about life.I can still sense her worry over my bad back or my strained muscles.I can still see her doing her exercises every now and then.I can still see her playing with my neighbors' kids.Above all, I can still hear her say goodnight and goodmorning to me.And I miss her more.
It is hard for me to go out still.It's hard not to have her with me in church.Seing those different restos makes my heart cry.I still dont want to go the the singing rooms for i still feel awful knowing she's not there to sing with me.I remember her wanting me to sing Abba's Hasta Manana..I never thought i would be telling that to her now.Hasta Manana Dorothy!
The world is still going in circles.In time, we will meet again.We will make sure that we will still be the same crazy mother and daughter tandem.We will still pursue all the dreams that we both dreamt of...specially that of going to Africa.We have so many dreams together but since we are four hours apart for now, we just have to content ourselves with doing what we need to do to make our lives more meaningful.
A big thank you my daughter.Anyung Jung Da Jin.Go Ma Wa Dorothy! Till we meet again.
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