Despite life's odds, I wont break.I will simply bend. |
So here i am again after being away for awhile. Life has been good, not to mention, challenging the past weeks.
I had to go home to check on my sister as well as my folks during the holy week. I am grateful until now to my brother for giving me the tickets. You know how tight my budget is as i dont have remuneration during summer.
I am worried, yes, since I know my family is affected by what my sister is going through. I had a conflict with my father because it seemed to me that he's not doing enough and that he would not even manage to humbly accept points from others. I know I should have been more tolerant as he's old and sick but this is supposed to be a family affair.
My lovely sister |
Anyway, my sister, I know will get over this state of being fixated to someone.. I don't know when or how. But she will.
I'd like to salute my mom for being so strong. My heart is moved seeing her suffer but not defeated. I want to make her happier.
I am back in my own abode- alone and humbled. There is the universe that always conspires. In its own space and time, things will be alright.
with my beautiful mom |
My heart is lifted. I am bent but never broken.