While the others are busy attending to the holiday obligations like visiting their dead loved ones at the cemetery, I am simply pensive almost the whole time in my little abode.Juggling from doing simple asanas (actually all stretchings), doing the laundry, eating a lot of carbs with with fish, watching The Voice reruns, skyping with my family and teaching Efe, my whole day was basically all full. This is not the highlight actually. I am very hormonal and because of this I tend to be lethargic and emotional. Challenging ordeal, huh!
Despite this womanity, I still find time to remember in my own way those who departed specially my sister. I lighted some incense and candles and prayed that all the souls may rest in peace.
I feel very grateful for Gerardo for allowing me to have a taste of a Mexican spirit. Here it is.

I am looking forward to a more peaceful and balanced days ahead of me.
Om shanti, shanti.
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