Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Summer thoughts

It's officially the start of my summer break.(At least for a couple of weeks).There are a few things to look forward to during this hot season.
It's my 42nd birthday and another year of being unattached. The beauty of it is that I am still free. What's a bit frustrating is that I still havent met the one that's swept me off my feet.(Or better yet..have i still not gotten over my cinderella syndrome?)Sigh!

I am more than fifty percent bent to grab the chance to venture into another higher degree in theology.For the love of studying, i wish I am doing the right thing.

Then there is my desire to be more dedicated to my practice.With this, I am looking forward to join a series of meditation classes at the Buddhist temple.It is not cool to stay home all the time.The mind wanders off and oftentimes, it's brought me more harm than good.

My prayers are constant for my family. Such dysfunction is happening at home and even if I am far I am still affected. There is a need for healing and strength.

More than all these laments, I am truly grateful for this process of growth. With the moon smiling fully tonight, I am in deep sorrow for all my shortcomings and I am looking forward for a better 42.

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