Sunday, November 2, 2014

The Best of Me ..My favorite quotes

I decided to watch this film today after having some doubts. You see, I am still not centered up till now  and most of all, my emotions are way too low.  Blame it to PMS:) Anyway, after church, I purchased my ticket and with my favorite pop corn and a bottle of water, I went inside the cinema 15 minutes early. See, that's how punctual I am.

The movie was good. It has made me recall fond memories of people who were with me at some points in my life. The idea of loving someone for so long a time is really not an illusion after  all. Even if you won't end up being with that person anymore, love is still valid. There is never any limit to loving. Indeed, when you meet the right person, the best of you surfaces. I know it.:)

These are some good quotes I love bringing with me through life. There is so much wisdom, pain, joy and love in here.  Take time. 

1. “That's why I loved being with you. We could do the simplest things, like toss starfish into the ocean and share a burger and talk and even then I knew that I was fortunate. Because you were the first guy who wasn't constantly trying to impress me. You accepted who you were, but more than that, you accepted me for me. And nothing else mattered-- not my family or your family or anyone else in the world. It was just us.” 

2. “Don't take my advice. Or anyone's advice. Trust yourself. For good or for bad, happy or unhappy, it's your life, and what you do with it has always been entirely up to you.” 

3. “Life was messy. Always had been and always would be and that was just the way it was, so why bother complaining? You either did something about it or you didn’t, and then you lived with the choice you made.” 

4. “I don't know that I've ever felt as happy as I did that day, but then again, it was always like that when we were together. I never wanted it to end.” 

5.“You'll make mistakes and struggle like everyone, but when you are with the right person, you'll almost perfect joy, like you are the luckiest person who ever lived. And that means you'll love and be loved...and in the end, nothing else really matters.”  

 ( all quotes taken from

Stay in love.Namaste!

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