Saturday, July 26, 2014

thoughts on a new moon

There are just some things in life that i need to throw away soon. Perhaps this includes my job in the university. It is painful just thinking about it but I feel like I am trapped in a place that I really don't belong to. There is just one thing that connects me here. It's always my love for teaching. 

It is funny how one is brought to a place so unexpectedly and teach a subject that she is not even accustomed to. I need to say that I am learning as I go along but I am surrounded with so much inauthenticity that I feel so suffocated. The value system is not just fit to what I have.  Work ethics is just way too different.

There is just gossip everywhere. There is too much judgment. A lot of rude people around. I am trying to follow a spiritual path but I feel like i am drawn far from it. I love humanity but there are just practices here that I couldn't swallow.

Yoga teaches me to let go. To avoid restrain.To stop pushing nor pulling and just let things be. If anything hampers my way back to my center, i think it's time to go. 

Ohh universe, help me. 

Om shanti shanti.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Glenda's wrath

 Classes were suspended in all levels and i was again all alone trying to be centered in my abode while the heavy rains and strong wind lashed outside. Water kept gushing from somewhere and freely entered my room. It kept me busy then as i needed to prevent my place to be drenched. 

I did my very short practice and read a very helpful book. Electric power was down for a while so a simple breakfast and lunch was taken. 

I am grateful Glenda slowly relaxes now. Electricity is back. I am still generally calm. 

Life is like that. Storm comes and goes but it sure does leave lessons that can make us better and stronger people.

May everyone be safe. Om shanti, shanti.

Saturday, July 5, 2014

thought on teaching

Somehow, there is always that point in life when we need to stop again and grasp the meaning of everything that we are still doing. My third year of being a Theology professor  is kind of surreal for me. I am not anymore that driven to deliver the craft. I am just glad I have not lost that passion to teach but I can honestly say that I am not seeing myself being in the theological arena for long. Something's haunting within..Oopsss, yoga teaching?:)