Saturday, August 6, 2011

Nothing much again

I have barely one month before the submission of my paper for the  presentation but at this juncture I still couldn't see anything clearer with regards to my stuff.I feel a sense of resignation.There is just nothing except bits and bits of this and that.

I promise myself not get overwhelmed.I need not get myself sulk and get depressed over a paper thing.Still, the adrenaline is making its way to push me harder to write.It's just awful because I have nothing except bits and bits of this and that....still.

this morning i met another woman for another interview.I was looking for a married one this time but i ended having another single mother.I am still grateful for her though.It's a great meeting after all.

Now, i am not going to play the smart jenny here.Writing something theological is getting a bit exhausting.I will see what transpires each day before i'll hand in something to my mentor.I am resting my case to that HIGHER and WISER force.Inshallah, i will be able to complete what i have started.

Rest well everyone.Have a great weekend,


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