Saturday, February 4, 2012

Blessed two days!

I spent two days at home and i must say that was the most meaningful homecoming I have ever experienced in a while. Seeing my family after almost a year was a huge relief. Dad was a bit wasted since he just came back from the hospital but it really didn't matter much. I had great conversations with him. It wasnt easy to inspire him to be well since he is still really weak. I did all i could to be a good daughter, I believed so.

For two days, there was no computer at hand. I wholly spent time with them.Taking short walks, eating out, going to the beach, singing and talking. It was all tha I could give but it was the best I had given so far this year.

Seeing my best friend was also one lifegiving treat. This woman has been my bosom buddy for more than a decade. I honor her loyalty and I honor our friendship too.

I am back in Manila and I will be facing life ahead alone again. There are things to do. There are purposes for my laboras always.

I am glad to be home and be with people who matter to me. I love the laidback life back home.I just love being least, even for two days.

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