Saturday, May 3, 2014

On relationships

There are things in life that aren't easy to handle. Relationships are one of them. Because we are relational beings, we can't help but but be affected with all that transpire between and among those surrounding our circles. Any glimpse of joy and sorrow, hope and despair, conflict and peace are always consciously and unconsciously shared with the rest of humanity, far and near.

I have my equal share of these seemingly difficult to handle things. I am talking about my family. It is very hard not to get affected. At the same time, it is so dramatically suffocating to get attuned to what each member is going through. Still, amidst all these conflicted paradigms, I come across a very sublime way of dealing with anything like this. I have to be centered. I don't have to forget that life only gives us something that we can handle. We just need to be steady for any hint of panic will surely devastate the natural course of things.

A friend confided to me today about her ordeal concerning her relationship with a boyfriend. I see that she's undergoing a vicious cycle of "what to do about this relationship?" syndrome. AS Yogins, that's what we call ourselves, I help her acknowledge that there is always this thing called "letting go." There are just things in life that don't matter in the end. Even people.

Any relationship has to be a good one. Something that allows the participant to grow, to breathe, to be. If there is any form of oppression, I guess it's time to change gear.

Life offers us choices. At the end of the day, I guess we have to make sure that we are doing justice to ourselves because it is only by doing so that we can be of great relationship with others.


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