Thursday, June 2, 2011

GREAT practice tonight

Talking about energy that's awesome, I just had it tonight.With the other women at the shala, I felt that the universe has opened up its horizon to all of us who wished to be at home with ourselves again.

Teacher Nature was early and she took time to chat with us while waiting for the others.She was very human when she told me she's in denial with teacher jon leaving soon.I could only smile and told her we need to let him go.Of course, i said that with a kind of a heavy heart.I also have my episodes of denial knowing my last classes with him are a way too short.Still, i am beginning to pray for him for a safe and blessed journey out there.

I felt so light while the practice went on.There were less thoughts getting in my way. It was a total surrender of desires, of worries, of expectations, of hopes and of pains.I am very certain my prayers were heard.

The practice ended with a great savasana.I am again ready to sleep soundly.I said goodnight to Nature and the rest of the women.I told them it was a great practice tonight.It was indeed.I went home peaceful.I laughed a lot during my classes with Jully.Priceless!

It's hot now but I dont mind.My body has been conditioned enough at the shala.This heart is happy.This self is renewed This soul is strong for I have the UNIVERSE backing me up...always!


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